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Considering a sale, but don’t know if you’re ready?
Let us create a full valuation model to show where you are today. We will also create a playbook to help you maximize value and achieve your ultimate transition. With years of experience working at one of the largest DSO’s, we know exactly what buyers are looking for and pride ourselves on giving our clients the tools and education needed to meet their goals.
Key Deliverables
- Discussion about your goals and education on the current market
- Complete valuation of your practice today
- Full analysis of your practice compared to average industry benchmarks and margins
- Strategic playbook to identify and fix areas of improvement catered towards you ultimate end goal
- Partnership with trusted industry partners to help achieve your goals
Your preferred Partner for selling your practice
At Ascend Strategic Partners, we specialize in facilitating sales to DSOs, Private Equity firms, and other dentists. With extensive knowledge of the buyer universe and firsthand insight into what buyers are looking for, we help you achieve your optimal result. Our expertise ensures you receive preferred pricing in the market. We fully walk you through the process, setting clear expectations to ensure there are no surprises along the way.
Key Deliverables
- Education on the market and process
- Clear understanding and alignment on goals
- Valuation and creation of databook for buyers
- Negotiation of deal terms with buyers
- Deal execution
- Closing prep